HMC Blog

Meet my boys: Duce (4) and Elisha (1). You will find many stories on my journey of raising these beautiful black boys, with God’s grace, into amazing Kingdom men.
Moments of excitement, fear, laughter, challenges and lessons.
I hope you enjoy! 💜

Tylenol Failed…But Prayer DID NOT!

​February is usually a month full of celebrations for the Whitaker house. My husband, mother-in-law, and sister​-​in​-​laws birthdays are in the same week. Then there’s Valentine’s day, which is when my husband proposed…

Welcome Back…Right?

Happy New Year!! I know! I know! It’s been FOREVER!!! But I can explain… and I am never one for excuses so this explanation better be good right? Okay. Here it is… 2021…

We’re Reading, Y’all!🤗📚😍

SO…Homeschooling! There is always something going on that will drive you crazy or have you screaming to the rooftop! Well as of lately, homeschooling has been having me doing the later! A few…

🎒Homeschooling in Nebraska🌽🏈

Happy New Year, Mommas! 🎉🎆 4th quarter was rough for me! 😫With 2 birthdays, holidays and finishing out 4th quarter with launching my Publishing Agency- Water Rocks Publishing, and celebrating my first year…

Are You THAT Mom? #Guilty🤚🏾

I’ve been away from the blog this summer and oh how I have missed it. Life has been busy and I’ve been in full momma mode with the boys. We had a great…

☀️Summer Love & Learning!📚

You did it! 🎉🎉You made it through a challenging school year. 🙌🏾Whether you homeschooled from the beginning or were forced into virtual school due to Covid, you and your babies made it! 👏🏾👏🏾Pat…

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